Help Us To Raise Funds With Easyfundraising
Please could we ask all of our parents, members, supporters, and leaders, who have not yet done so, to sign up to our Easyfundraising campaign by clicking the image below.

This will cost you nothing at all to do, but you will earn much needed donations for the group, simply by you shopping online as normal through the Easyfundraising app or website.
As a few quick examples, this is what we could be donated for you shopping through Easyfundraising
Just Eat – Up to 13% of order value
Tesco – Up to £2.50 per order
Moonpig – Up to 5% of order value
M & S – Up to 3% of order value
Trainline – Up to 15% of order value
Amazon – Up to 1.5% of order value
There are many other top brands giving donations, such as Salisbury, Morrison, EE, BT, Apple, Boots, and so many more.
This really is a win win, as you get the products you want from the brands you love, and we get donations from the companies, which will allow us to invest in new kit and equipment, to provide better experiences to the young people we work with.