
Cubs is all about mastering new skills and having adventures!

Joining Cubs opens up a new world of fun and adventure for young people through access to a massive range of exciting activities including camping, adventurous activities, such as climbing and sailing, plus creative and cultural pursuits. At weekly meetings, Cubs are encouraged to challenge themselves to try new things and are rewarded for effort, teamwork and leadership.

Race down a river. Tell stories by torchlight. Fall asleep beneath the stars. Alongside your Pack, you’ll spend plenty of time in the great outdoors. Together, you might build a den in your local park, or create an edible raft out of sweets, or go on a moonlit hike through your hometown. 

Cubs learn by doing, and so will you. Some of the skills you develop will be practical, like knowing how to cook a delicious meal or give someone first aid. Others will allow you to become a master at your chosen hobby, or help you to succeed in whichever job you decide to do when you grow up. But the most important skills you’ll learn at Cubs are the ones that will make you feel confident and happy in your own skin. 

Cubs work as a team to help other people. Together, you’ll learn about global issues and what we can all do to help solve them. You’ll also make an impact in your own community, through activities such as campaigning to save your local library, collecting donations for a foodbank, or planting trees in a neighbouring park.

Cubs are ages 8 – 10½. The aim with Cubs it to teach a higher level of Scouting skills than Beavers, while promoting independence, along side team working. Our Cub Pack is known as the Walrus Pack

I promise that I will do my best,
to do my duty to God, and to the King,
to help other people,
and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

After a few visits to meetings your child will hopefully want to keep coming. If this is the case, your child will then be invested into Scouting in a short ceremony at the end of a meeting. It is at this point you will need to buy your child the Cub jumper at the Eastleigh Scout Shop.

At their Investiture, your child will be asked to recite the Cub Scout promise and then they will be given their Neckerchief, and their uniform badges.

Cubs uniform consists of a dark green sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and a gold coloured necker.

Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means you can run around and get messy without ruining your other clothes. It makes you feel part of a team. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out and it gives you a place to show off all the brilliant badges you earn.

Become an expert in something you love or try something shiny and new. From athletics and astronomy to photography and pioneering, there’s something for everyone.

If you are wondering where these all go on the uniform then click on the image to see the positions for the different types of badges. Some of these badges will continue to be on the uniform when moving on to Sea Scouts.

More information about the badges available can be found on the Scout Website.

We have space for up to 25 Cubs in the Walrus Pack, and are currently looking for new members to join us.
If you would like your child to join the fun, please fill in the form below.