Our New Website Is Now Live!
At our AGM it was announced that we would be re-branding the group, from 13th Eastleigh (2nd Bishopstoke) to Bishopstoke Sea Scouts. As part of this, we are pleased to announce the launch of our new website https://bishopstokeseascouts.org.uk (if you are reading this post, you are currently on it).
Our aim is to provide a better experience for people wanting to see what it is we are doing, or find out information about our group.
Along side this, we have also expanded our social media presence, with a new public Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BishopstokeSeaScouts, a new Twitter account at https://twitter.com/BishopstokeSea, and a new Instagram account which can be found at https://www.instagram.com/bishopstokeseascouts/.
Please Like/Follow us on any of these platforms that you are using, and share any of the posts you see there, as this helps us to spread the word about the experiences we provide, and will help us to recruit new members and Leaders.
We will be maintaining the previously existing private Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1466315980088729 (which is for members and their grownups only), and will continue to post information specific to meetings there.